Influx DATA x balena

Store and manage your data with Influx Data and balena

Get the benefit to automatically deploy InfluxData products such as InfluxDB and Telegraf on your fleets of IoT devices running on balena.

InfluxData allows developers to store data with InfluxDB, a time-series database which run in the edge or the cloud. Use InfluxDB to easily visualize the data or you can use other products such as Grafana. Telegraf is a data collection agent that can get data from multiple sources and output the data to other services, such as InfluxDB and more.

You can use see examples of InfluxDB and Telegraf applications and blocks on balenaHub.

Use cases

Legacy to digital factory using InfluxDB

Learn how to connect an  Industrial IoT Gateway into the factory network that is running some industrial legacy machinery and store data using InfluxDB.

Try the project

Start Automating InfluxDB Deployments at the Edge with balena

During this one-hour session, experts from balena and InfluxData will demonstrate how to build and deploy your own air quality IoT solution.

Watch the webinar

Find on balenaHub

Find different Applications and blocks using Influx Data services on balenaHub and get inspired!

(InfluxDB v2)

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Connector block

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(MQTT, InfluxDB, NodeRED and Grafana)

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